Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all of the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Watch here.
A constellation of technologies can help aging populations thrive and live independently — and for longer. These include AI and self-driving autos, remote monitorin
Algerian political bodies have rejected the participation of an Algerian swimmer in an international race against an Israeli athlete.
Political party, the Movement of Society for Peace said in a statement that it "had followed with great displeasure the participation of Algerian swi
Once wildly expensive and inaccessible but to the very rich, computers today are one of the most ubiquitous technologies worldwide. Though many personal computers in the early 1970s were much cheaper, the most basic model of an HP 3000 sold for $95,000 in 1972, the equivalent of slightly over
NASA’s Artemis I mission will measure the effects of radiation in space, and to test for protection with Zohar wearing a vest, while Helga will not.
While we hoped to see the launch of Artemis I today, the attempt provided valuable data as we test the most powerfu… t.co/GBBYVcTWBm<
Anadach Group is a global healthcare strategic firm focusing on providing innovative advice and services to clients and partners interested in transforming healthcare systems in emerging markets and developing economies.
The mission of Anadach is to dramatically improve access to quality
There were 123 press releases posted in the last 24 hours and 228,528 in the last 365 days.
Global Virtual ICU Market Info
Global Virtual ICU Market seg
Global Virtual ICU market is valued at US$ 3.49 Billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach US$ 11.58 Bill
Futurity is your source of research news from leading universities.
This is a tool that helps us study the underlying physiology of pregnancy so we can more strategically study interventions that can help support good pregnancy outcomes," says Nadav Schwartz. (Credit: Internet Archive Bo
During pregnancy, tissue called the placenta grows in the uterus along with the fetus. It brings oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and moves harmful waste and nutrients away. Problems with the placenta can harm the health of the mother, the fetus, or both.
Despite its importance, the pla
By Frederica Freyberg | Here & Now
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UW Health nurse Colin Gillis describes why hundreds of nurses are prepared to strike as the Madison health system refuses to recognize their union and the working conditions that led to this
SB 797 states that Texas public schools must display a sign with "In God We Trust," if it's been received as a private donation.
"Why is more God not good?" A north Texas parent put a new law to the test that says public schools must display signs featuring the n